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作者:西安快速堆积门厂家   发布时间: 2019/8/4 15:11:29


Application of Zipper Fast Door of Xi'an Express Door Manufacturer


Zipper Fast Curtain Door is a small and medium-sized indoor fast door suitable for frequent use.


Extremely high opening/closing speed and sealing performance improve logistics efficiency, effectively prevent dust, moisture and dirt from entering the room, and provide you with a comfortable working environment.




The door curtain is soft and flexible, and the whole curtain has no load-bearing and rigid material. It ensures that operators and goods are thoroughly protected in emergency situations.


Characteristic of zipper type fast rolling shutter door


1. Opening speed: 1.2 m-2.0 m/s adjustable


2. High airtightness: high airtightness combined with zipper track technology and door curtain achieves maximum energy saving, reduces space cold air loss, and abandons the traditional blade and brush sealing system.




3. Self-repair, saving maintenance costs: When the door body is dislocated due to impact, the "repetitive mosaic" technology, i.e. the derailment automatic repair system, starts without any manual and external forces, automatically resets to the original state, effectively reduces maintenance time and saves the use cost.


4. Extremely high safety: the door curtain is soft and flexible, and the bottom of the door body is free of any load. It ensures that in an emergency situation, even if the operator is not protected, the collision on the door will not cause harm.

5.PUSH PULL双转轴系统:无与伦比的安全记录和绝对密闭性尽在PUSH PULL双转轴系统。

5. PUSH PULL Dual Rotary Shaft System: The unparalleled safety record and absolute airtightness lies in PUSH PULL Dual Rotary Shaft System.


The traditional fast shutter closure depends on the load at the bottom of the door curtain. The zipper fast shutter can drive the double-axis system and make it occlude perfectly with the chain teeth of the door curtain. It can also achieve fast closure without depending on the weight of the door itself. This technology avoids the use of hard materials.


More than 61 million durable performance: Fast door reduces the use of wearable materials, strong and flexible curtain is very durable, can withstand millions of open and close operations, in the actual use of some products have reached 5 million open and close.


Application of Zipper Fast Door of Xi'an Express Door Manufacturer


Zipper type fast door is generally used in the factory interior, beautiful appearance, open in various ways, is a very environmentally friendly, energy-saving industrial door.


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