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作者:锦州快速门储备电源   发布时间: 2019/7/19 16:54:35


Connection Diagram of Reserve Power Supply for "Jinzhou Express Gate" Accumulated Gate


In order to avoid the users can not quickly open and close the fast door in the state of power outage, each project of Beijing Longshengmen Industry is equipped with a set of special reserve power supply.


In this way, once the power is cut off, the user can run 15 rounds of the fast door through a dedicated backup power supply.


Avoid dangerous situations such as fire, and can not quickly close the door to block or open the door to escape.


Connection Diagram of Reserve Power Supply for "Jinzhou Express Gate" Accumulated Gate


Some parameters of the reserve power supply have been introduced in our previous articles.


In today's article, we will share with you the usage and wiring methods of measurement.




Installation instructions

1、 请按照推荐安装方式接线安装,进风口和出风口最小 10 厘米内不能有障碍物。

1. Please connect and install according to the recommended installation mode. No obstruction can be found in the minimum 10 cm of the air inlet and outlet.

2、 打开面板开关,按启动按钮或外接启动按钮,后备电源进入逆变工作模式。

2. Open the panel switch, press the start button or the external start button, and the backup power supply enters the inverting mode.

3、 市电输入接通市电,后备电源进入市电模式,停电时后备电源自动转换逆变模式。

3. The municipal power input is connected to the municipal power supply, the backup power supply enters the municipal power supply mode, and the backup power supply automatically converts to the inverted mode when the power failure occurs.

4、 停电后开门触点闭合,如果开门触点连接快速门开门接点门将打开,开门后空载 20 秒关机,如果还要继续使用备用电源按启动按钮或外接启动按钮。

4. The open contact closes after power failure. If the open contact connects with the fast door, the open contact door will open. After opening the door, shut down without load for 20 seconds. If you want to continue using the standby power supply, press the start button or the external start button.





Be careful:


* Do not open the cover of the machine optionally. There is high pressure danger in it. If you have any questions, please contact our technical department.


* Maintain good ventilation when using the machine.




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